Saturday, August 6, 2011

Is Percocet 10/325 and Oxycodone 5hcl the same?

I have been on Percocet 10/325 for a year. My husband had a few of his 'boys' over and guess what came up missing out of my bathroom cabinet? Yep. Now I am in extreme pain. I was able to bear it for two days, but this, the third, I can't get off the couch and my knee keeps giving out on me and I'm getting searing pains up and down my leg and my nerves in that leg are going crazy. I get my meds in pain management and they have a strict policy of no refills early, even if they are stolen (WITH a police report). A friend just came over and he is prescribed Oxycodone HCL 5 mg, and he said that they were basically the same thing that I am taking. I only need a couple as I can get my refill in a few days. so, is this the same as it, or is what he wants me to have considered Oxycontin? I'm very nervous about taking meds that aren't prescribed to me, but the ER or anything else is out of the question. I just wanted to know if this truly is the same thing that I am prescribed? And is it time release or instant release, because I don't know how I should responsibly take it if I even choose to do so. Any help would be wonderful.

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