Monday, August 8, 2011

My mom and dad are getting divorced please help?

im 13 have a little sister shes turning 7 this year and my oldest brother is 19 hes in college and my other brother is 16 turning 17 in like 3 or 4 days and my dad told my mom that he was going to leave us and stuff so im pretty worried is there apartments that only charge like 300 or so with like 2 rooms and small stuff or something because im worried about that and how much money will he have to pay for child support like 100 for each or what and the rest im not really worried just financial pretty much because my dad always yelled at us at one point he called me a dog and stuff i life in ohio and i was wondering if we get to pick who we get to live with and i looked some stuff up and they said that in ohio the kids usaully get for who they want to stay with so that kinda got me cheered up but im still worried helllppp

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