Friday, August 5, 2011

Teenage drinking opinions?

I think from a parents point of view, they probably just are paranoid that IF you drink, something bad will happen to you. My parents were always a little different in that category. My dad was pretty much like, "Do I want you drinking at 16 or 17? NO! But, if you are determined to do it, I would rather know about it." And the ONLY place other than my dads that I would drink is my friend Kristin's house, and her mom had the same idea. She always monitored our drinking, stopped us when she felt we had had enough, made sure that there weren't any strangers there, or people that she didn't trust to be drinking with us. It was usually me, my bff, her sister, her sisters bff, a couple other girls from school, my bffs boyfriend, her sisters boyfriend, her sisters bff's boyfriend, my boyfriend once in a while but usually his parents wouldn't let him stay the night, and maybe a couple other of our friends. Anyone who was old enough to drive, she took our car keys so we couldn't drive drunk. And when she went to bed, she would take all the alcohol into her room so we couldn't drink more and get alcohol poisoning. So pretty much all of the "horror stories" about drinking, such as drinking and driving, rape, alcohol poisoning, she allowed us to drink in an environment that those things wouldn't happen. So we drank responsibly. I do NOT advise underage drinking, but I will say that if you do, and you aren't going out to crazy parties with dozens or even hundreds of people, and driving drunk, and drinking until you got beer coming out of your eyeballs (lol), then you are being responsible. It is the teenagers that are out of control drinking, and the adults who are alcoholics and sloppy wreckless drunks, that make drinking such a negative stereo type. I'm older now, 21, and really alcohol isn't that appealing to me anymore. As a teenager it was "cool" because I was doing something I wasn't suppose to be doing, but now, its not that big of a deal. I mean yeah, I like the feeling of being intoxicated, and I have fun when I am, but the hangover the next morning, and the fact that I have a 19 month old, and am more "grown up", I just prefer not to at this stage in my life. It isn't worth the consequences anymore.

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