Friday, August 12, 2011

I tried vicodin today and think I'm addicted. Anyone else love this stuff?

I'm definitely trying it again, and as a matter of fact I think there's some in our medicine cabinet. I'm 17, and don't really want to **** up my liver, but I don't know how I could fight the urge to feel this amazing wave of euphoria and tingliness around my body when taking this stuff. It relaxes the **** out of me. I think it might honestly be better than weed. The only solution I can think of is to smoke some weed to distract myself from it, but since there's some vicodin my house, I'll probably just get some anyway and get high off of the vics and weed simultaneously. Any advice on how to eventually stop or take it responsibly? I'm definitely not stopping now. party just started.

Christian parenting: What should I do about my daughter, seriously?

Have you not thought that it should be her choice not yours, she sounds intelligent which tells me she probably does not believe what she is told in church and that's why she does not want to go.

I need help with All star cheer squad ds?

I've gotten to the part where you have tosneak out to challenge becka and it wont work I put the moscot on but I still can't leave what do I do?

My lease is over. Can I still get "evicted"?

My lease is over at the end of today. This past month, I only paid half of my rent but still have $250 to pay. Can my landlord still file eviction even if I have moved out and my lease will be over shortly? I am planning to pay the remaining balance next week but was just wondering what I could face if I didn't pay the remaining of the rent. I live in TX. Thanks.

Moving boyfriend out?

I let my boyfriend move in again, 1 month ago, he is not working, and I found out he is cheating with the same girl as before, bringing her into my apartment while I am at work. He also is back using drugs and his best friend is also coming over also using drugs. He refuses to move out, I've asked him, he says evict me. Unfortunately he has stolen from me before, so if I go with the courts I am sure he will steal stuff while I am at work. Because it is a civil matter the police can do little to help. I am moving out on the 3rd and have a new apartment lined up and will have the police present while I move. I do not plan to tell him until the movers arrive, all he has is his personal belongings. Does anyone see any problem doing it this way. Or any suggestions.

Will this cat ever be able to deal with my dogs? Please help!?

Cats and dogs usually don't get along unless they met when they were both young. but the dog is usually the one that intimidates the cat even though they both wanna play, they find one another intimidating.

I feel my husband is cheating..what to do?

First of all I'd like to say what u all will be thinkin anyway...I am in a very weird and dysfunctional marriage. But I am a very religious person and I don't believe in divorce unless someone has committed adultery. Me and him got evicted and so we don't live together. Me and him fight all the time. He hurts me alot even though he says he doesn't intentionally. But we always talk about our relationship. But lately he has been overly irritated and cruel to me. I just had our son 4 weeks ago and things were fine but now he is acting like he don't care to even be with me. He doesn't even call me at all and I am trapped in the house trying to recover so it would be nice for him to call and it hurts me that he don't so i tried to tell him he really hurts me sometimes even though he don't mean to. Instead of acting like he cares he snapped on me saying that I am selfish and only care about me and repeatedly hanging up on me. I get this feeling he is cheating down in my gut but there is no reason for me to feel this way. Her hurt me so bad and he hung up on me i kept trying to call him and he wouldn't answer so I text him an said it's over and I haven't heard from him since. It ain;t like him he usually tries to work things out. Why is he acting like this? know this was poorly written and even confusing...But why do I have this strong feeling that he is cheating on me!

Help, severe seperation issues!?

I have a friend who isn't even like my best friend or anything, but i feel extremely attached to him. I depend on him in cheer me up when i'm down and to control me when i go into one of my rages. I have asperger's syndrome and i don't really get people, so i'm really confused by this. Whenever he is mad at me or i can't talk to him, i get really depressed and i have uncontrollable rages. I have no idea why i am like this! I need help before i injure myself or someone else.

Whats the diffrence between rent to own and contract for deed?

my " landlady" is trying to evict me. She is giving me 15 days to pay what i have in default or be out . I asked if i was going to get a legal eviction notice. She claims the hand written piece of paper is all she has to give because she claims it is a contract for deed and not a rent to own . however she refuses to give an exact amount of default and refuses to show a title showing the property is in her name . what legal recourses do i have?

PLEASE HELP ME!!!!petition to evict a neighbor?

there is my next door neighbor is nothing but trouble and trashing my yard writing on my shed and wrote *****,cut a pop can in half and put it in my kids toys,flipping little kids off,saying to my 6 year old he is a women beater,they took a knife after a 8 year old boy the mother press charges but the landlord didn't kick the people out that are trouble and we live in a family site where there are alot of little kids,harassing all of the little kids that live in the area they called a little girl a *****.egging my porch,knocking on my door an running but was caught doing it.i don't know what to do will a petition seeking eviction help if neighbors sign it??????? I LIVE IN A GOVERNMENT HOUSING

Mortal Kombat won't get out of the "start screen"...?

Ok, so i have the last mk game for ps3 and it won't effing start. it worked fine yesterday and all, but now i just put it in, and when it says press start, i press MOTHEREFFING start! then, the little circular thingy with the dragon appears on the right corner of the screen, starts rotating (as it is when something's loading) and then it just freezes. just like that. i can still hear the continuous "crowd" cheer, it's just the image that's frozen. i will kill someone if i dont play mk today, please. help this bored little girl... *hyper, ultra cute face* btw, the disk is not in the least scratched. i cleaned it like three or four times and it's THE CLEANEST IT WILL GET.

How can i convince my mum o get me a scooter/motorbike?

Until you're an adult, living on your own and paying your own way, Mum's rules are the rules. She's the one who is responsible for your safety until you are an adult.

Evicting an ex in Florida?

I own a home with my father in Florida, he has broken up with his girlfriend many times and she wont leave the house, there is no lease and she does not help with the bills nor does she have any intention on doing so, how can I get here out of my house once and for all?

Do you think I'm wasting my time with him?

even tho the both of you are not teens its a teenage relationship tell him wat you want or need and if he dis-agrees or continues to act the way he does then you might want to think about things. ask your friends about him.get one of your friends/kids to spy on him around other girls GOOD LUCK

Have you heard of Cheer Company All-Stars?

There is a gym in Tallahassee, Florida, Cheer Company (CheerCo). It's kinda small, but some people know about it. Have you heard of it?

I have been talking to a guy, but I found out something. Need help? >< ?

No i wouldn't. There is no responsible way to do drugs. That's like saying, i responsibly text while driving so its ok. It makes no sense. And it's not just one thing, it's one BIG thing. He could get out of control with those drugs, ruin his life, and urs too. If you get into the relationship now, its gonna be hard for you to get out later when he does lose control of it. Just don't get yourself involved. You'll endup hurt.

My sons father is taking me to court for SOLE CUSTODY!!?

I am 22 years old (full time mother) to a 2 and half year old beautiful boy. I am on welfare and have a nice apartment (not housing) and I also get support from my mother she has been buying me groceries for 2 and half years since my sons father refuses to pay child support. My sons father is 23 years old and has A lot of money, he has a lawyer and I don't and HE FILED COURT ON ME! We both have shared custody since we are both on the birth certificate. I am a stay at home mom, I have been taking care of my child and so has he but he started paying me $198 a month for about 5 months because my social worker demanded it. in October my sons father put my son in daycare Without My Consent!!! and stopped paying me child support all of a sudden!! I went to my social worker and they gave me a paper to show me how much he owes me in child support including the times hes missed and including INTEREST! My sons father makes me have him on the weekends now but I personally think he is doing this because his girlfirend (That he has cheated on me with when I was 7 and half months pregnant) Keeps telling him to take me to court and get SOLE custody and the court papers say he wants me to have supervised visits as if I'm some crack head or something (I DO NOT DO DRUGS) I am a good mother and take care of my son better then my sons father (his sisters and his girlfirned take care of my son and pick him up from day care since my sons father works 9-5 Job) when my son is with me he gets my FULL attention I am a young single beautiful mother and live on my own and make sure there is breakfast lunch and dinner on the table for my son at all times, I bath him at all times he is with me and take him with me everywhere i go when he is with me. I have court on Thursday at 11AM (June 30th) he lied and said i have no food in my fridge, and says my house is always dirty (I had the police investigate my house and said they have never seen a place so clean and nice since i keep my place well kept and they seen i had food in the fridge!) He says my hallway stinks of marijuana (witch is true) but only because my neighbors are pot heads and they are getting evicted they are moving next month my landlord found out they are selling drugs in the building so she evicted them! CLEARY my sons father is doing everything he can to lie on me just to win, wont it show he is trying to take my child from me because he clearly does not want to pay child support and he says he is takin me to court because I have no MONEY!!! Obviously not I only get enough to pay my rent and my mother provides the groceries since he refusees to pay child support but instead Pays the daycare teacher 800 DOLLARS a month! to do my job !! The only thing I am bringing with me is my witness's and my mother (my second sons father should I say) and the paper stating how much CHILD SUPPORT he owes me. My sons father filed for court BEHIND MY BACK but he gave me the court papers LATE (he filed for court MAY 12 2011, AND GAVE ME THE COURT PAPERS ON MAY 31st!) and kept saying he is not going to take me to court if we have a decent custody agreement HENCE why I do not have a LAWYER!!! But I don't believe I need one I am a good mother and I will be honest with the job! Who will be in the court room with us will it just be me and my sons father? or are we allowed to bring our own people? What do you think is going to happen when I go please be specific and detailed please, and thank you!????

I have issues... i think i'm crazy?

Nope. You're a typical confused, troubled, dramatic teenage girl. Don't worry, it wont last forever... you'll find yourself eventually and things wont seem as bad as they do right now. Hang in there 'til then...

How to Handle Middle-Age?

Everybody experiences dissatisfaction in their lives, but it doesn't seem that you are overwhelmed with despair. Financially, it sounds like you're actually doing pretty well compared to a lot of people in this economic situation. And in every other way, it sounds like you're doing great.

What do you think about legalizing drugs?

I think some drugs should be legalized. Not any super addictive/dangerous ones like heroin or meth. But other illegal drugs that can be used safely and responsibly should be. Of course there would be people that would misuse/abuse the legalized drugs, but that already happens! OTC and prescription drugs can have negative effects on your body just like some of the safer currently illegal drugs can have. So what's the big deal?

Can my landlord evict me after i repair and deduct?

I used repair and deduct after my sewer was coming up in my carport since dec they had pumped it once but as soon as you pump it is full 3 days later it is gray water from the kitchen and shower .so we pump it all the time and only charged them once last month and yesterday I told the property management about it again to get it on record and today the owner came by and gave us a thirty day notice he said he was going to redo the roof which they have not fixed since we have lived here it leaks in our bedroom made numerous reports of that in the four years we have lived here the property managemant told me she had called the owner about the sewer and he said the house was getting uninhabitable and the wiring is not up to code can he rent a house were the wiring is not up to code (never been late on the rent in four years)

ASAP. My mom's friend's son and daughter in law wants to move in for 2 months.?

My mom's friend who I called Aunt for my whole life, has a down on his lucky son who's wife I met while help caring for my so called aunt. They want to stay with me for 2 months, and willing and able to give $200 a month. Here is my question, $200 will not make or break me. It can give me a little breathing room, but not much. I was going to let them stay for free, but the wife insisted. If I accept the $200 does that mean if they try tio stay longer, would I have to go the 2 month route to evict them, after 2 months I am willing to let them stay. The wife seems like a responsible person, and I do not feel she would screw me. But my aunt's daughter talked me into buying a condo, and assured me we are in it together. Just tio be sure I had a contract made out explainning what we agreed to on the condo. She made excuses why she had not signned it, and I ended up eating 25,000. I am willing not to assume the son, and wife of my friend aunt trust worthy and not like his sister. But I want to protect myself. I am thinking not to accept the $200 so I do not have to evict them, when and if I do not want them in my house anymore. I think If I want them gone they have to leave, that day, if it is not working out. Am I right?

What are some good "feel good" and "cheer up" sort of songs?

My friend is currently very ill and bed ridden and I want to make her a little get well package including a mix cd. I'd like to put some nice feel good and cheer up songs. I'd prefer some classics, older songs as she is not really familiar with a lot of American or modern music. Thank you :)

Why does my bottle of vodka say drink responsibly on it?

What they mean by drink responsibly is don't waste it. eg don't throw away a bottle that has a few drops left in it. Be careful pouring when drunk, so you do not spill. And don't drive drunk, you might spill your drink.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What do the terms 32-bit and 64-bit operating system mean?

I think you're understanding is basically correct and no, you can't install a 64-bit OS on a 32-bit computer. Luckily pretty much every new computer sold these days (including those with 32-bit operating systems) have 64-bit hardware.

Can the council evict me for children noise?

Hi, I recieved a letter from the council it says " I have recieved several complaints regarding the unreasonably loud noise coming from your property at all hours of the day and night. and any more complaints then i will have no option than to serve you with a notice to end tenancy which could result in your losing your home" this is the first I have heard of any noise, no one has come to be at all to speak with me (if i am making noise) no neighbours or council nothing has been said about an investigation. the only noise I can think that would be " unreasonable " is my children. i have a 4 year old and a 3 year old and am on the first floor, have neighbours either side and down below. I have no idea who could of complained, I know one side usually knocks my door and tells me whats wrong and I never do it again to prevent further problems. the other side I dont speak to but I see, they have several kids in their property so I think they would understand especially considering they are the ones blaring music at this time lol. the person below me works nights i know, it could be him, but I don't see why I should have to stop my kids playing? to be honest these buildings are old, you can't fart loud without the neighbours hearing it! its really getting to me now, My kids play and I am now finding myself telling them to shut up in fear something further will happen, it breaks my heart and brings me tears that my little boy sung quietly " i;m not even allowed to play" I don't want to be this sort of parent just because someone can't handle kids or works night shifts, I do not go out much at the mo as I am expecting another due 14th december, this is another thing I can't puzzle out, it says noise all night too, but we are all sleeping?? I mean wtf, it's like someone has made up a false complaint for whatever reason? o.O sorry for long message I'm just so stressed out about this letter!

If I'm getting a physical exam in a week, should i stop drinking?

I go out and drink (alcohol) sometimes but if I need to get a physical for cheer should i stop? Can the doctor tell i've been drinking?

Am I taking good care of my betta fish?

I love my betta fish! He is a male and is beatiful and cheers me up all the time! Everytime I come to see him he will swim around like craz and flap his gills and try and talk to my by opening his mouth i giggle my nose on his tank and he does the same thing! Today i was watching some videos about how Walmart is so cruel to the bettas and that made me question whther im taking good care of my fish or not. First of all he is always down or up in kis aquarium and doesnt move alot but if i come closer or if he seems me coming then he gets crazy and happy!! Second i put some seashells on his tank and usually it gets moldy and green but 2 days after i clean it and he is fine! And im worried his space is too small he has room to swim lots of it! But its not like a huge tank and the lady at the petstore told me not to get a huge tank because bettas dont like it so he has alot of green and colourfull decorations just not a huge tank! Oh and i dont want him to starve to everyday i feed him either 3 or 2 bettabites am i taking good care of him? If not tell me how I can because i love him soo much!<3

I have Roxio back on track on my computer which is a restore programme?

What i'm wondering is does this program and other programs that restore computers to previous states also restore all the crap that was on your computer at the time the restore point is created. Stuff like recycle bin contents, temorary internet files etc. Cheers.

I want to buy a motorcycle- is it really automatic death?

Yes its true. The moment you purchase this motorcycle,you will have a heart attack and drop to the floor dead as a door knob. Its sad but happens to 50% of people who buy motorcycles.

Why didn't I make cheerleading?

Okay so This year for tryouts the dance was extremely easy. the qiirls that made it all messed up and I know because they came out mad. I know that I didn't mess up and I did awesome facials. Oh yea also ppl have told me that the first 2 black ppl that tryout are the ones that make it and I think that this is true bcos the 2 that made it can't cheer worth nothing! My jumps are extremely high and I'm always sharp with what I do so can you tell me what you think?

My new landlord said we need to pay for out mail keys?

Don't know where you stand legally, but he should have sorted the locks out before you moved in, he should not be expecting you to pay for his past tenants behaviour.

I love my Gf but she won't leave!!!?

Me and her have a kid together, and over the past couple of months dating back to 5 months after the birth of our child, she went on a cheating rampage, and time after time i forgave her for the sake of our daughter, but she steadily cheated even though i have a 8in package and 4 hour stamina, will kiss her from her face to her toes, still cheated so, i evicted her *** from the apartment and now she won't leave, HER MOM AND DAD LIVE IN A MANSION BASICALLY, but won't go stay with them, because she's claiming that she's not excepted over there, even though she brags about being spoiled by them, so what can i do, because she's also threatening to take my daughter away and i'll never get to see her again until she receives a papers and a court date from the judge, what the hell is that!!! Let me know what you think? As far as what i can do...

Landlord dragging his feet on providing a written 1 yr lease for us to sign?

This is in the State of Michigan. My boyfriend and I moved into an apartment earlier this year in a 3 apartment triplex, and it was a month to month oral lease. Our landlord occupied the largest of the 3 apartments in the same house, and he recently moved back to Indiana, and we moved into his old apartment upon the agreement that we would sign a 1 year lease. We have been excellent tenants and have cause zero issues (no late payments, no property damage, etc). It is going on a month now and we have asked our landlord (who now lives in Indiana 2 hrs away) several times to provide the written lease for us to sign. He keeps saying he'll email it so we can print it out, look it over, sign it, make a copy of it, and send him the original while we keep the copy. Several phone call reminders just get us more excuses ("I'll do it when I go to work today", or "I'll go to my parents house and email it", etc). What has us alarmed is that he mentioned that he was thinking of selling the triplex, and he verbally assured us that he wouldn't screw us over by putting us in the position of not having a lease in case he does sell the triplex, which would allow the new owner to evict us or raise our rent, etc. I have written him a note requesting that he mail us the lease within a week, otherwise we will have to do what is right for us and rent from someone else who will provide the security of a lease. He has been a good landlord up until this point as well, but still it takes all of 5 minutes to print out the lease, and mail it to us (or email it even, which he still hasn't done). I don't think we can legally force him to provide a lease to us, and frankly that is the last thing I'd want to do especially since we really like this apartment and we've even made several repairs & painted the interior. We even mow the lawn which is the landlord's responsibility, but we do it just so he doesn't have to drive 2 hrs one way just to do it. I don't understand why he keeps stalling, please help with any good advice. I don't want to assume he's a bad landlord, but what can we do to get the lease? Also, if I remember correctly, he owns the house jointly with his father. Should I contact his father even though we pay rent to & consider his son our landlord? Can we hold rent until he provides a lease?


I am 16 years old; I turn 17 in august. my mother doesn't let me do anything with my friends and I barely leave the house. I am a A and B student and have never had any problems whatsoever. I have no sense of independence or responsibly . All I ever do is sit on my laptop and surf the web because i can never go anywhere. She also has a tracking device on my cell phone. I don't understand why she does these things. Whenever i try to talk to her all she does is yell and make me feel bad. It seems as if she just wants to ruin my life for as long as i stay in her house. I have never done anything to make her not trust me. What should I do and how should i approach her to possibly allow me to have more independence and responsibility?

Korean population in Sweden?

What is the Korean population in Sweden (excluding adoptees)? I'd appreciate any other input regarding the Korean community in Stockholm and Gothenburg. Cheers.

Do you think my sister is upset based on this poem?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Scared I might have HIV please help..?

Hi..I made the dumb decision of having unprotected sex about a week ago. I have a slight fever, slight sore throat and am feeling really depressed over the fear that i might have hiv. I also do feel a little fatigued but no major body aches and I'll wake up with crusty eyelids. If anyone could set my fears aside please do because I feel incredibly guilty, but it has opened my eyes on how to live responsibly. I just want to move on from this and make the world a better place now.

Personal finance questions help :D i love people?

roflmao. You have so much latitude on how to answer this that if you take advice from us, your teacher will recognize it is not you, and will give you a failing grade on your homework assignment.

Landlord refused to let us change the locks then someone broke in using a key....?

In almost every state (maybe all) that clause is unenforceable. You simply change the locks and you must provide a new key to the landlord. Call your city council member's office to find out the laws in your community.

How do i rid my sims 3 of all of its glitches?

My sims 3 has been acting up latley, sometimes when my people come back from vacation they dont load and they never come home, and you cant click on their squares. Another is, when they go to bed, like 10 second later they are on the other side of the room, bed made, still sleepy. My people don't get any sleep, its ridiculous. And also, its been freezing up a lot. Please help, all i want to do is play my game without having to evict people, send them back, copy them to my library and so on. Thanks.

What's your Astrological sign?

Mine is Sagittarious. Don't get "smart" and try to answer like The Blue Collar Comedy Tour although I should say to some of you, "Here's your sign" --- LOL!!! Answer carefully, responsibly and thanks!!!

Extremely Noisy Upstairs Neighbors?

I hate to say this, but you're better off living somewhere else. You've got a bunch of sleazebags upstairs making a racket. The landlord won't do anything about it. The police won't do anything about it. Short of trying to sue your own landlord over not providing a decent place to live, find a new place and try to live on the top floor.

Can a manager discuss other tenants evictions to other tenants?

I stay in California and am in the middle of a move due to helping my very ill mother during hospice right now and I found out from a neighbor that the on site manager is discussing to another tenant saying or I should just say spreading Rumors about us getting evicted and the money that is owed. Do they have the rights to do this? I feel I have bigger things to worry about right now but I feel it is so very unprofessional on the part of them. Do I have any rights in this matter?

I need advice about something, please read?

Well I'm having my second child, I just found out I'm pregnant yesterday. Me and my babys father are no longer together, but we were together when I got pregnant with my first child. He is with another girl that he has older kids with and he has being seeing me behind her back. Well now I got pregnant, and he wants me to abort the baby to avoid her leaving him and kicking him out of her house. He has 5 kids by 4 different women including me and this baby would be # 6 for him. He can't get a house in his name cause he has bad credit from getting evicted from an apartment he lived in, so the girl he lives with is basically his crutch. He says that if I have this baby, he will have to leave the state and go stay where his family is cause after she kicks him out he wouldn't have anywhere to go. What's so said is that he's in his 30's and dealing with stuff like this. I want to keep the baby but don't want him to leave the state and for me to be left alone with 2 kids and no dad around to help although he said he would help even though he'd have to move. So what should I do? Abort, or keep the baby? And please don't suggest adoption cause once I see the baby I wouldn't be able to give him/her away.

How to deal with an evil stepmom?

You've got a tough situation here. To begin with, you dad will believe whatever he wants to believe (we're all that way, incidentally). He will have to see for himself what the situation is with his new wife. I would bet he already has suspicions. He probably still misses your mother and wants to have someone around who makes him feel better. I doubt that Miranda is really making him feel better. So try to have a talk with your father. Point out that you need his support and help in your life. That he is and always will be your father. That you anticipate someday he will walk you down the aisle when you're ready to get married. Ask him if the two of you can go on a trip together, just the two of you, without anyone else. If he says he would want to bring Miranda then point out that if he does you would want to bring your boyfriend...but the real point of the trip is for you and dad to be together. If he agrees, then do your best to support him and work with him to have a nice time. Don't talk about Miranda unless he brings her up. He has to know, incidentally, that she and you are having troubles. I would be surprised if Miranda hasn't been talking to your dad about you, giving her opinions and so forth. Also, spend time asking your dad his opinions on your own life issues, questions about your boyfriends, your school subjects. Ask your dad questions you might like to ask your mother. The idea is to let your dad know that you trust him and love him and that he has a very important role in your life. Your dad will appreciate these overtures and hopefully, respond. Work on building a stronger relationship with your father and simply ignore, as well as you are able, Miranda. Sooner or later your Dad will wake up and make the right decision. He sounds pretty smart and he certainly has a smart daughter.

Do i call him or do i wait for him to call me (10 points)?

ok so i am 22 years old and i had broken up with my BF 2 weeks ago so my friends wanted to cheer me up so they decided to take me to a night club last night so that i could just let loose. i got their and i was having a good time a lot of guys started hitting on me and using cheesy pick-up lines but i politely said "no thanks" to all of them when i was thinking in my head "get away from me loser." i hate guys who think just because their hot doesnt mean a pick-up line can get a girl. so i sat down at the bar area until this guy came. he noticed i was a little bummed out, so he asked "is everything ok" i replied "im ok i broke up with my BF a few weeks ago" after that he said and i thought he was so sweet by saying this "oh im really sorry to hear that, man how is a guy that stupid to brake up with such a beautiful girl like you" after that we just started talking and having a good conversation. OMG he was so funny, and sweet, he is on the chubby side, but he was just so cute, he had a gorgeous smile. btw he is also 22. after hours of talking we gave eachother our numbers and we hugged each other. i dont wanna sound desperate, yet i wanna plan a date with him. should i wait for him to call me or should i just call him

How can i prove to my mum that a street scooter isnt so dangerous as she thinks?

My mum thinks a street bike a ticket to death, how could i convince hr that its not dangerous and ofcourse i would drive very carefully and responsibly.

Can my landlord evict me?

They can evict you if you dont pay your rent, furthermore they can evict for no reason. Withholding the rent by law is not a solution to your problem. you can sue them for the health issue. but you cant withhold the rent.

My sons father is taking me to court for SOLE CUSTODY!!?

I am 22 years old (full time mother) to a 2 and half year old beautiful boy. I am on welfare and have a nice apartment (not housing) and I also get support from my mother she has been buying me groceries for 2 and half years since my sons father refuses to pay child support. My sons father is 23 years old and has A lot of money, he has a lawyer and I don't and HE FILED COURT ON ME! We both have shared custody since we are both on the birth certificate. I am a stay at home mom, I have been taking care of my child and so has he but he started paying me $198 a month for about 5 months because my social worker demanded it. in October my sons father put my son in daycare Without My Consent!!! and stopped paying me child support all of a sudden!! I went to my social worker and they gave me a paper to show me how much he owes me in child support including the times hes missed and including INTEREST! My sons father makes me have him on the weekends now but I personally think he is doing this because his girlfirend (That he has cheated on me with when I was 7 and half months pregnant) Keeps telling him to take me to court and get SOLE custody and the court papers say he wants me to have supervised visits as if I'm some crack head or something (I DO NOT DO DRUGS) I am a good mother and take care of my son better then my sons father (his sisters and his girlfirned take care of my son and pick him up from day care since my sons father works 9-5 Job) when my son is with me he gets my FULL attention I am a young single beautiful mother and live on my own and make sure there is breakfast lunch and dinner on the table for my son at all times, I bath him at all times he is with me and take him with me everywhere i go when he is with me. I have court on Thursday at 11AM (June 30th) he lied and said i have no food in my fridge, and says my house is always dirty (I had the police investigate my house and said they have never seen a place so clean and nice since i keep my place well kept and they seen i had food in the fridge!) He says my hallway stinks of marijuana (witch is true) but only because my neighbors are pot heads and they are getting evicted they are moving next month my landlord found out they are selling drugs in the building so she evicted them! CLEARY my sons father is doing everything he can to lie on me just to win, wont it show he is trying to take my child from me because he clearly does not want to pay child support and he says he is takin me to court because I have no MONEY!!! Obviously not I only get enough to pay my rent and my mother provides the groceries since he refusees to pay child support but instead Pays the daycare teacher 800 DOLLARS a month! to do my job !! The only thing I am bringing with me is my witness's and my mother (my second sons father should I say) and the paper stating how much CHILD SUPPORT he owes me. My sons father filed for court BEHIND MY BACK but he gave me the court papers LATE (he filed for court MAY 12 2011, AND GAVE ME THE COURT PAPERS ON MAY 31st!) and kept saying he is not going to take me to court if we have a decent custody agreement HENCE why I do not have a LAWYER!!! But I don't believe I need one I am a good mother and I will be honest with the job! Who will be in the court room with us will it just be me and my sons father? or are we allowed to bring our own people? What do you think is going to happen when I go please be specific and detailed please, and thank you!???? (PS... WE are NOT Married and never were.

Women aged between 50 and 60?

I read the testimonial, but saw no question, except how to approach. I would suppose try to be good friends first-and genuine also. We can read men like a book by this stage in our lives, so if you have ulterior motives, you'd better lay it all on the table. If you can do that and not be too forward (anxious) then you might develop a good relationship.

How do you evict people out of your house who are not a legal tenants?

Well,I understand how you feel.But it's not really any of your bussin to kick them out.It's your parents house.There choice 2 kick them out.

Poll do you think Cassy Anthony is guilty of murdering her daughter?

I do. I think all she wanted to do was party shop and did not want the responsibly of having a child to take care of.

What is the eviction process during a foreclosure when two disabled persons are involved?

Just curious, we have friends an older couple both disabled, who are currently in foreclosure, they have yet to be evicted and have an attorney working for them, but I want to know if they are evicted how is that handled can't seem to find anything on the web to answer my question.... anyone have any input...they reside in the State of Ohio...are rule different for every state?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Evictions from residents need help?

i rented a house from an old freinds mom and we had a falling out but and had no problems on house from that so i am $180 short on last month rent and havent paid this month she came and said to me i have 10 days to move out bcuz my dogs were shiting and pissing in the house but the back fence has many hole and is falling so i told her and she never fixed the problem and when i leave i have to leave dogs inside and they piss and **** so she is trying to evict me for it but does that not go under the responsiblity of owner to fix fence and basically her fault and also there is a sink that rotted b4 i moved in and has black mold it has yet to be fixed from nov 2010 and the heating on house was not working either and it snows here so am i in the wrong for not leaving and she has not given any paperwork for eviction or late rent payments any ideas i really dont know what to do i know i have atleast 30days

Can someone give me a story?

i am visiting an elderly lady tomorrow who is unwell and i want to cheer up or make her laugh can someone tell me a story to tell her, like it doesn't have to be a story as such, just something that happened to you that's funny

UK/EU: Should airlines be allowed to decide weather to fly into the Icelandic Volcanic ash cloud?

I think there should be Xmg per cubic metre that any airline can safely operate in. Supposedly, ryanair proved today 4000mg is safe, but radar evidence suggests it may not be the case. Other airlines (BA to name one) are running test flights to see if their aircraft are affected. I think the airlines should certainly have a say in the matter!

What is the jail sentence for assault in washington state?

i had my boyfriend arrested and he is charged with 2nd degree aggravated assault im just trying to find out how long he is going to be in jail. im getting a lot of different answers, he has a prior felony that happened 20 years ago. i cant find answers i either getting 3 to 9 months, a couple years, not more than 10 years, then 25 to life i really need an answer i want to drop the charges but they said it is up to the state and i cant do nothing about it. and also we had an apartment together my name is on the lease and when this happened he got evicted so since my name is on the lease do i have legal right to keep his stuff? all im trying to do is pack it and store it. am i allowed to do that. or does all his belongings go to the trash. he also has a car. please help me....... i am currently staying at my dads house and i dont have a key to get in.

Absent Landlord Need Urgent advice?

Buy a used electric stove or counter top oven from a thrift store, no you cannot with hold the rent.

Have you ever "stumped" Google?

Meaning, they (Google) couldn't find what you were searching for/the information you were looking for. I just "stumped" them. Hooray for me... Answer carefully, responsibly and thanks!!!

How does one evict someone from their home who is on house arrest?

A friend wants to evict her boyfriend from her house, but he is on house arrest there. How does one go about evicting someone who is on house arrest?

Christian parenting: What should I do about my daughter, seriously?

I am not a parent, but I am a Christian. First of all your kid is 12 - she is just trying to piss you off, that is what all tweens (10-13 year olds) do. Just because the boy's parents are liberal educated doesn't mean anything, and if your going to say no offense when bringing race into the issue it pretty much means that your offending the kid and his parents, not the people who read this question. And they are right: kids will be kids, but maybe you should put your foot down and tell your child that you think it might not be the right time to be "romantically" involved with a boy. And if she doesn't want to go to church, then punish her by signing her up for extracurricular activities so then she won't be hanging around boys and will at least be studying. And you dont' want your kid to be in the gifted program??? If you don't want her to cheer then just say that it is not that great and if she wants to be athletic then put her on a swimming or running team. And maybe instead of just freaking out at her for wanting to be an atheist ask her if she ever liked being a Christian and why she likes the religion.

Un Neutred Male cat gone missing 2 days ago.?

He is an indoor/outdoor cat and gets let out in the morning then usually comes home at night. However he did not come home one night. I have checked with my neighbours if they had seen him and the neighbour said he saw him chasing a female cat (in season) but apart from that no luck. Is there a chance he could be wondering for a mate? He usually stays in the neighborhood but could he venture farther and longer for a female? Please only serious answers, or educated ones would be best. Cheers

What to do? i need to go to college..?

Breathe. Apply for a scholarship (go to to set up a free scholarship profile). If you must, take out a loan. First, see if you can get a student loan. If not, go to a loan store. That's not that much money, and if your college has student jobs, you can definitely pay it off by Thanksgiving.

Is this extortion please help?

My fiance and I are late on our rent, my landlord has agreed to wait until the 27th to receive the rent. Last week my landlord showed up and asked if we would remove a fallen tree from another property to work off some of the rent. My fiance and I agreed to look at it as this is NOT our line of work. After going by the home we realized this job was next to impossible unless it was done by a pro. We advised the landlord and the threats began. I have texts where he stated "if you do not do the work by Monday I will evict you""where are your children going to sleep""I am not playing games you will do the work or get out""No go do the work NOW or you will be out""nothing to talk about anymore" I am a Criminal Justice student and this seems to be extortion to me. I am just not sure what steps to take at this point.

Shrooming experiences?

My only advice is to have a third friend baby-sit. ( Of is you are blessed with friends you can trust, one for each of you.) They should more or less stay out of your experience except to provide comfort or if you directly engage them. Their main goal should be to see to your health ( hydration, not eating nettles) and safety ( not trying to make friends with a skunk or bang a police car.). Later, you can sit for them when they are the the ones seeking enlightenment.

How do you feel about this smoking unadvertisement?

Drinking, smoking both are illegal and is injurious to health. If the ad was, "You don't need a cigarette every time you drink, so why do you need to drink every time you smoke?" This changes the entire thought and encourages smoking. There's nothing wrong in advertising for their wants and benefits. The people who are depend on that business wants to advertise more on their product in a positive side and gain more. I feel it's all their needs. If we are concerned, we should go only for good things and products and stay away from evil.

Roommate will not LEAVE?

I had a falling out with a roommate who basically threatened me. She wont leave although she is NOT on the lease. I gave her the 30 day notice and she agreed which basically means shes living here rent free during that time. and she has a pitbull she is going to bring into my apt and they arent allowed here and that will get me evicted and i cant have that. What can i do to get her out and have my apartment back to myself? I also made a mistake she is an unauthorized tenant not being on the lease and that is a lease violation. Mistake i okow but what can i do and wha are my rights regarding this?

Torn rotator cuff?? Other things?

So about 5 weeks ago I fell at gymnastics on my right shoulder, and through out the weeks ive had cheer, and gymnastics and day by day my shoulder has been getting worse. Today now when im doing nothing it hurts and when i move it or put weight on it by picking something up or pushing my body up i get sharp main going through it. So what should I do I have a comp. in about 25 days and its really important still not sure what to do..?? any help

Is it bad for cats to be kept outside all of the time?

My cat was originally dumped in my yard along with her kittens who i re homed. We really bonded and I have kept her despite the fact that i m a student with a very low income,renting in share houses and it can be very difficult to find cat friendly houses! Unfortunately we have been evicted due to our house being sold, and i have been desperately looking for a place for me and kitty but with no luck! With only two weeks to go i have been offered a sublet at a friends house but she has a new baby and will not allow my cat inside the house. I m really running out of options so i have to consider this. There is a big backyard but i m still worried about it as she has been an indoor/outdoor kitty up until now and i will really miss cuddling up with her. In terms of whats best for her i m wondering, should i be looking to re home her if i cant find any option for housing other than this? how bad is it for cats to be outdoors all the time?

I feel like a little kid. help!?

You only live once...(think about it) please go for it or you'll literally never know. Your gonna live on life wondering.......? -_-. Go for it! :)

Should motorized bicycles be illegal?

Should those small motorized bikes that come in a kit be legal to drive without a license? In Ontario electric ones are legal with no license why not gas ones too? They are lighter, and travel around the same speed and the "E" bikes are no less "motorized" than one with an electric motor. As long as you drive responsibly, respect other drivers, and obey traffic laws should there be a penalty for operating one?

Do i legally have to let him take my kids he wont tell me where they live?

File for a modification of custody. Don't try to modify the custody by refusing to turn over the kids.

Want to do fishing on the river at Great Yarmouth?

What fish will be in it can you get to it to fish and what baits rigs, or floats and can you get sea fish in their I would perfer ansers from locals cheers

How to get someone evicted when the property manager isn't doing nothing.? plz help...!!?

people been complaining about them for a couple years now....and nothing is being done.... and i got evicted so easy before in life ... like wtf... I live in Toronto...

Does the bike you ride effect your riding style?

I used to have a nighthawk 250 and I used to ride it like a bat out of hell. I rode my buddies gs500 I rode it like a bat out of hell. I bought a vstar 650 I baby it and ride it responsibly. I 'm looking at a vfr 800 I'm wondering if maybe I have matured and won't ride hard or if I'll ride that like a bat out of hell

Sud I wear a black and gold hoodie with jeans and eat chewing gum during the set! Help PLZ?!?

i say Black And Red cause those are the street colors wear black jeans/skinny jeans and a thight red color shirt with a black nd red cap on

Feels guilt after my destroyed family?

when i was little my mom use to abuse herself into taking drugs and my dad use to go out and deal drugs around the town. someone phoned the social services and reported them as bad parents. I use to have to clean my sisters nappies and make food for us. I was only 7 at the time and my sister was 2. I have been told a lot of information about my mom and dad as now i am 18 and allowed to know. i was taken from them at the age of 8/9 and placed into care. i never attended school before i was placed into care i never left the house my parents didn't care about me and my sister. the house was all smelly and unfit to live in. but for some reason i find it hard to live my life without feeling guilt and i feel destroyed why my parents couldn't be good enough people to stand up to the responsibly and be parents. Me and my sister was placed on the high risk register from birth as my dad had been in prison for Violet crime i was also bullied at school for being the one without any parents this use to make me feel upset and angry. i tried to commit suicides at the age of 13 because of all the bullies. i have behaviour learning difficulties i missed out learning everything all children do from birth to 8 years of age. I was 8 and didn't know how to write my name!! overall i find it hard to live my life without having everything circulating around in my head. i always feel down

How do you file a eviction notice in California?

how do you file a eviction notice in California? I found some free eviction notices online do I have to file those with the courts or can I just fill one out and give it to her? i am subletting and the person who i am trying to evict was never required to pay rent but now she just won't leave after she has been told to move and had ample time to move.

Question about breaking apartment lease?

My husband lost his job a little over 2 months ago, due to this we couldn't afford our town house monthly rent. We had to break our lease with the apartment complex. We had 3 months left on our 1 year lease. We advised the property manager that we were unable to make rent for the month of June at the end of May. We advise if of our move out date, she stated that we were phenomenal tenants and she hated to see us go but she understood the reasoning and she would forfeit our security for the last months rent. On moving day, she came to our home. She stated that because of protocol, she had to file an eviction notice with the court. They only give you a ten day grace period before they file an eviction on you. She also stated that the court date was the 22nd and if we could pay her half the rent she would dismiss the eviction. Since we already forfeited our security deposit and paid for last months rent when we moved in, we didn't see any reason to pay again. When we told her that she stated that because we have children, it could be considered child neglect if we get "evicted." I told her that our children were in Florida with their grandparents for the summer and that when they returned they would have a place to live. She left at that point. When my husband turned in the keys, she once again asked for the money and a forwarding address. We didn't give her any money but gave her a forwarding address which was our PO box. She told him that she needed a physical address to serve papers to and if he didn't give that to her she would be forced to serve myself at work. So to avoid the embarrassment of that we should pay her half the rent to dismiss the eviction notice. I understand protocol but it seems as if she is using scare tactics to get more $$$ from us. We have already left, wouldn't the judge dismiss the eviction notice based on that? I know we are on the hook for breaking our lease but she told us we would work out an arrangement on that. Any help would be great. I live in NC by the way.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I run a buy sell and trade website on facebook and I have a question?

Alls well with postings but someone asked me if they could post their firearms on there for sale.... it that legal, can I allow them to post them, can I just add that they need to be transferred and put into the other persons name responsibly?

Resistance bands .........?

im 15 and looking to know if i could get prettybuilt and especially work on my traps abs and pecs would this be possible with a resistance band and what would the workout consist of .... cheers wil

Landlord's tenants harassment & California laws-HELP!!!?

nope - lost cause and even worse - you need to get out of there quickly - before something really bad happens - to you - also the only thing you can do is small claims court - but that wont get you nowhere either - next time screen the roomates before leaving a deposit - and try to find a share rental with 4 or less people

Please help me find support to the following arguements?

I don't have any links, but you might want to look up what happened during prohibition. The banning of alcohol at this time caused a black market to rise, and much of the "alcohol" made during that time was of course not regulated, and was tainted and made a lot of people sick. Also, more people, not less, drank during prohibition because times were rough. The number of alcohol-serving establishments also increased dramatically.

Found out today being evicted from our council property whats the procedure?

had a few problems wit rent arrears court decided to evict us from our council house whats the procedure i have two kids

Evicted tenant wishes to visit friends?

I was evicted from an apartment in NYS. My friends wish me to visit. The landlord came up threatened me, my baby, and my wife. The cops said we were evicted from apartment only, not the property. What exact law is in NYS concerning this. I know it was harassment and have press charges, but I need a copy of the law that says we are allowed to visit. Please don't respond with quick answers.

How do we keep my 90 year old mom from being evicted?

My 90 year old mother lives in a senior complex. My pot smoking nephew (also indulges in other substances) visits his grandmother quite frequently. Management accused my nephews friend of spray painting the garbage room, she also said that my nephew and his friend were hanging out in the laundry room and she also said that when on the elevator with my nephew he smelled of marijuana. Apparently the mgr. confronted my mother about these things (I'm told that she was very rude) the manager claims my mother threatened her, my mother says that she didn't. My mother has always been feisty, but I wasn't there, I don't know what words were exchanged. Anyway after 17 years of residency my mother has received an eviction notice from this fairly new manager. Can my mother file any kind of lawsuit to keep her apt? where would she go? what would her grounds be. I don't know if it counts for anything, but even if my mother told the mgr that she would kick her butt, there is no way that she could do it. Thank you in advance for your answers, your help is appreciated.

Does Mitt Romney wants to be taking my guns aways?

Yes , he is a commie , He wants to take your guns and make the Mormon religon ,The official religon of the US

I haven't paid rent increases in past but I wasn't asked to do so though it is in lease. What should I do?

I have been renting for 3 years and have always paid the rent. But I never got any notices of rent increases nor any communication whatsoever from the landlord (though the lease does state when and how much the rent increases should have taken effect during the past 3 years). Now my question is should I bring attention to the landlord of my past omissions or error in not paying the rent increases over the years and make amends or can I ignore it since he hadn't asked for the increases? And if I ignore the lease and he realizes this, does he have grounds to evict me? Is not taking the initiative myself and paying the rent increases a breach of the lease agreement?

How to make the cheer-leading team?

Because you are confident enough that you can go in there with high pretty jumps and a smile that says "hey i wanna be on your team" you've got potential. Now i don't know if tumbling is required but if it is take a CHEER CLASS. You can take a tumbling class but tumbling classes teach you mainly tumbling. But cheer classes teach you all the basics. Motions, tumbling, jumps, and stunts. But even if its not required you still wanna be the girl showing out and have a performance that they will never forget. But i guess all i can say now is smile stretch everyday and be confident when you walk in. And for bad grades I'm not sure but still keep your grades up. Hope i helped. GOOD LUCK!!!

Does anyone know the "history"/"story" of the girl on the cover of The Cars, Candy-O album?

Don't be a "frozen fire," just answer this for me please responsibly and carefully (as always) and thanks!!!

How can I not be so awkward around guys all the time (and stop looking so sad)?

Aww he likes you! You don't have to smile all the time, just try to smile at people more (especially him) when they talk to you. The more you smile the more naturally it comes. When he asks you to run an order out, shoot him a warm smile, and say something like "no problem :D" or "yes I will, and you're welcome! :D" How old are you btw? If you're still in high school, its probably not a good idea to get involved with someone that much older, but if you're an adult, go for it girl! And you know what? I bet you are pretty and just cant see it, most of us women can't see our own beauty. Good luck Hun!

What movie has the black kid on the mound wearing headphones listening to "Wanna have my baby, baby..."?

He's "rockin" back and forth to the rhythm of the song. Any help will be appreciated and maybe win ya 10 points... Answer carefully, responsibly and thanks!!!

Help! Landlord issues, now evictment?

He is trying to evict you as a method of self defense. Basically, he is well aware he is wrong and wants to try to discourage you from filing a lawsuit against him. You should contact a lawyer and get them to send a letter offering not to sue him so long as he releases you from the lease and returns all deposits. If he does not agree: sue, sue, sue

Do you think most drugs, herbs or chemicals have a potential to be used spiritually and responsibly?

I like to explore the human psyche more specifically MY psyche and I regularly use herbs or other entheogens to increase my awareness. do you thinkthere is anything wrong with that? Is the drug war stupid? I sure think so. Thanks for your answers

My wife is pregnant and we are far from ready?

My wife is 24 and I am 23 we have 2 kids a boy (3) and a girl (1 1/2). We recently were renting about 4 months ago and got evicted and were pretty much forced to move into my parents house since I had also been fired from my job at wal mart. Yesterday she got a blood pregnancy test done and found out that shes pregnant. I had planed to get a vasectomy but she got very pissed at the idea of me wanting to get one because she wanted more kids. I my self thought a third child would be nice but far from now. And she refused to take the pill also. Anyways I have pretty much been worried all day and breaking down. I wouldn't plan on abortion either, I want my marriage to last and I can never forget the feeling the first time I held my son and daughter. I have no clue how to handle this.

Why do girls/women leave a "square" or 2 in the toilet after they go to the bathroom?

FLUSH IT, ALREADY!!! I'm just wondering? Could you please tell me? Answer carefully, responsibly and thanks!!!

How do you get voters to realize that Obama is corrupt and to vote more responsibly?

My parents once voted for a charismactic young lawyer who was seen as the new messiah and savior of their country. They also were warned of his ties with unsavory characters and terrorists, but like many today, also chose to ignore and write off the warnings as extremist exaggerations. This was 49 years ago and the name of the charismactic young lawyer..............FIDEL CASTRO! PLEASE, PEOPLE WAKE UP!!!!!

What kind of liquor/alcohol was Lt. Daniel Kaffee drinking the night before the "trial of their lives" in AFGM?

AFGM = "A Few Good Men." I'll give you a hint --- Lt. Sam Weinberg --- "Last night he was swimming in (type of liquor/alcohol)..." Answer carefully, responsibly and thanks!!!

Where did the "clap" (I mean, clapping <for congratulations, appreciation, approval, etc.>) originate?

All I'm aksing here if anyone knows where or how the "art of clapping" originated/began. Thank you all. Be sure to answer carefully and responsibly.

Can i get emancipated at 15?

without parents consent.. in utah it says the law is 16 but im only 15. I cant live with either of my parents anymore, I live with my mom and shes a ***** to everyone and will never change, she tries to kill herself several times a year(theres a lot of worse things that she does but im not saying my life story ha), and on top of that shes getting evicted on monday.. and my dad wont let me live with him because my stepmom doesnt want me to. my boyfriend and his parents said I could stay there until i graduate, ill be graduating next may and I turn 16 next april. I cant go stay with them without being emancipated. I know my mom wont let me so do I have to have her consent, and im not sure if my dad even has legal rights to say if I can or not. thanks in advance. :) & please dont tell me not to do this. im sure of what I want.

My neighbors constantly complain to the landlord and he wanted to evict us...?

First off, we have section 8, and live in nj. Our neighbors in seperate households that are owned, gang up on us and stick together and are very mean to everyone that rents this home. They recently complained because we rescued a lot of dogs and we recently had this dog we got rid of cause we couldn't handle her, then they complained to the landlord, the landlord came here yelling at us and then he told us he didn't wanna hear our side of the story. We're moving in the fall when our lease is over. But we cannot get a new dog til then because everyone would complain. The landlord sent us a nasty notice saying he'd evict us and that he spoke to section 8, I'm sure we have rights this is ridiculous.

Should I reconsider being with him?

i am not trying to be mean but i'll say this as politely as i can, you need to break up ok lets say he has points he flirts with a girl he loses 22 points, is sexist 33 points taken away he doesn't want a serious relationship 10000 points taken away so yeah break up with him. before you get your heart broken ~Morgan

Monday, August 8, 2011

What to do when you miss someone so much it hurts?

ive known this guy for a few years, and he for sure likes me, and ive never really known how much i like him til this year. i got to know him pretty well and i fell in love with him. heres the strange part.. somehow, idk how, but i can tell how hes feeling, and ive never ever been able to do that with any other guy i really liked. btw he can also sometimes tell how i feel too, which is even weirder lol.. anyways on the last day of school i was really sad and he could definetly tell, and he tried cheering me up but it just made me think about how much ill miss him. and i have been very busy this summer, but i still miss him so much.. so much that it hurts, and that i need to see him. right now. im not able to contact him though, so idk what to do..

It is on record that Pakistan has sacrificed more than NATO, USA and other countries in war?

You might not realize it, but you're being too broad. And your statement is more towards a political view and opinion than an actual fact.

My dad says I can't sell airsoft guns on ebay?

i just recently sold one with my mom. The person who bought it has no right to sue YOU for shooting HIMSELF in the eye =P. In fact, its his fault for not having the safety on and his fault for not wearing protection. As long you still have the orange tip and is selling it with your dad, you should be fine.

A liquid metal or metal alloy that melts easily?

Cs Alloys is proud to offer over 100 different Low Melt Alloys; and can produce customer specific items to meet specific customer needs. Our products have a temperature melting range between 100 to 483 degrees Fahrenheit. We produce Low Melt items in various forms: Cakes, Extruded Bar, Wire, and Ingots.

Help! Our grandaughter may have been lured to some sort of hard drug?

Our grandaughter is 15 and we have both been with her since she was born. I'm grandpa and I've never been so close to anyone and my wife ever. She was herself until march of this year as they were living with us since our daughter got evicted. Our daughter got divorced a year ago and she has not once paid her rent. She also has a boyfriend that is a known drug seller. They moved 50 miles off. Incidentally our daughter has disowned us and we've never done anything to her. Her personality also changed drastically. Our grandaughter recently started having an aggressive attitude with us and she was very mean to me on Facebook. What do we do? Our daughter also lost custody of her youngest, two months ago. The children services and the court pretty much told us that we have no rights. We are about to go crazy worrying.

Can I sue my Landlord for this?

Are you saying you've been there 2 years or was that somewhere else,either way just move the hell out.What are you waiting for.

Daughters roommate moved out and left daughter without paying her part on rent/electricity/water?

they moved in and it was a fight from the start every time a bill came due. The roommate never had the money. This was always what she would say and then go spend spend spend on clothes and out to dinner. She became mean and told lies to others about my daughter to make herself look good. after 3 months she moved out without daughter knowing she was, leaving her with all the rent/electricity and water bills plus took all kinds of stuff that didn't belong to her like DVD payer, dining table. wal stuff. She also destroyed the apt doing it. pictures torn apart and thrown around, rooms trashed, walls have huge holes where she pulled things off. but to make matters worse, she is now harassing my daughter along with one of her friends. Trashing my daughters name on facebook and texts. This girl has lied so much to try and hide what she has done. She says she will pay nothing and her and her friend says such ugly things about my daughter. My question is in alabama can this be cause for harassment charges. I asked her and her friend to stop and act mature and they started on me also. I don;t think they will stop with out being made to do top the cake..This roommate works with my daughter also and has said terrible things about daughter to other workers and the workers have come to my daughter and told her about them. This bussiness is a headstart and roommate has messaged through facebook also to a parent of a child there and told her bad lies about daughter. The boss was told and did nothing about it. This has to stop..Any advise. Daughter is so stressed out and working 2 jobs day and night now to pay her rent and elect so that she will not be evicted.

Does anyone know the link to full inbetweeners trailer the proper two and a half minutes ?

Because I saw it at the cinema and wanted to watch it again but I couldn't find so if you could that would major big help cheers

How to make my toe-touch higher?

Use ankle weights you won't be very high when you use them at first, but if you use them for a while and then do a toe touch without and they should be higher! Other wise just do flexibility stretches. One that works really well is to lay on the floor and putt your butt to the wall, then put your legs on the wall and let gravity pull them down. Good Luck!

How could i convince my mum to get me a scooter//motorbike?

My mum used to ride a scooter when she was 16 and when i use that against her she sais that the population of the city has madly increased and that people drive like madmen. I just want to buy this cheap chinese bike ( I just need it to go to school and to meet up with my mates late and all that. My mum knows i will drive responsibly and that i would always wear protection gear, but she's afraid some crazy drunk idiot would crash into me. How do u think i could convince her?

Liable for broken water pipes in the winter?

I would take him to small claims court to get your deposit back. Unless he can prove you caused the pipes to break by not using the gas heat, he doesn't have cause to keep your deposit. Even if he could prove this, I don't think you can be held liable with nothing in your lease saying you agree to heat the garage below your basement.

Are Mormons allowed to drink (alcohol) responsibly?

Mormons believe that we have been commanded to abstain from alcoholic drinks. That being said, every Mormon is free to drink alcohol if they so desired, just as they are free to act contrary to any other commandment. Is that not hypocritical? They cant drink anything with caffeine,

How can i ask my daughters father's family too back off without offending? 31.5wks pregnant?

when i fist told my babys father i was pregnant he was brilliant and even asked me to move in with him. i moved very far from home and lived with him and his family, however things soon went sour and i got very hurt and messed around, he soon told me he wanted me to abort or giver her up for adoption and he didnt want to be a dad. his family were extremely upset at him. his family have always involved themself in our issues and more often than not make things worse. Now i have moved back home and have been getting used to things on my own. i recently got a message from my babys father asking if he could be at the birth, i asked him why and he said he 'thinks' he feels 'okish' about things now. hes constantly high and seriously immature. i think he is only asking to be there because his family are telling him he has too, and i dont want him to see out daughter because he feels obligated. i have given him chance after chance to get involved and he hasnt even now hes messing about with weather or not he'll come and help me after she's born so i know his heart isnt in it. he also ignores me a lot and then makes up excuses wich are lies. Although his family are moderatly nice i feel like they are too involved, often i cant breathe because i feel overwhelmed by how involved they are. And honestly, they are quite disfunctional. I feel like both myself and my daughter would be better off without him or his family in our lifes , theres too much drama in their life and i really just want to concentrate on being a good mum. I wouldnt stop him from seeing him if he was behaving appropriately and responsibly and wasnt going to be damaging too her but right now hes not. regardless i will still let him have controlled visits etc but i really dont want his family around, i feel they make things worse and i dont know how to tell them without offending them?

Is PG era crap in the WWE ever going to end?

The more I see this PG BS, the more it makes me sick! Nowadays, people are so pupped up when Undertaker takes a chairshot to the head by Triple H... Like, wow, it's so awesome! Big deal! We've seen chairshots to the head every day back in the Attitude Era, even in matches of much less importance! Nowadays, if someone curses on live TV show, he gets fired! They even changed Cena's finishers' names because they were inappropriate (FU is now Attitude Adjustment and STFU is only STF!) When is this crap going to end? When do I get to see the real Hardcore based wrestling on TV? The way things go right now, I'll just have to search the web for WWE A Era matches, or those good old original ECW shows that we all enjoyed so much back in the days and now we don't get to see anymore because that SOB Vince McMahon has destroyed everything that is good in wrestling. The last time I checked, wrestling wasn't suppose to be kid's entertainment! You don't want your kids to watch violence? Send them to bad? Don't make retards out of all of us by making as cheer when Hornswogle runs around to ring or when Cena drops his fist 5 inches away from someone's head (5 Knuckle Shuffle)! To hell with all that kid's entertainment! I wanna see more tables, ladders, chairs, thumbtacks, naked women, blood! Man, do I miss matches with blood! When are you gonna let the us, real fans, enjoy wrestling on which we grew up? You want to amuze your 6 year old kid? Go rent a new Spiderman movie!

New to this need real advise people who experienced my drama with thurrock council?

my mother died in 2003 myself and my brother lived their for 16 years my mother was 45 died breast cancer at that time my brother was 21 and i was 25. 6 mths after mums deaths i left my home as i had looked after my mum and cld not deal with being in the home i asked council to rehouse me we all worked so help was really limited i was told i wld go on waiting list. my brother continued to live in his home of 16 years and would have his 2 children 2-3 times per week. 18mths after my brother had paid from his account full council rent and council tax was told he was evicted on underoccupying the home. 6 years on he is still homeless bronze band? they then took my father who had divorced my mum and had bought new council home with his partner 1991 to court for charges related to our home for flooring furniture they went on 1988 tenancy when parents were together and our father know does not spk at all to us. he is blacklisted my brother and i homeless and feel so let down by what is right from wrong and how corrupt council is xx pls if u had simular problem share with me

Should i pay my rent or my care note?

i am in a really tight situation right now. i have to make a decision tonight. either i pay my car note or get it ropedd. or pay my rent or get evicted. now if i were to get evicted i can always move to my granmas basement. have in mind that i am married and have a 6 month old

How to kick him out!!?

My boyfriend and I are done. I want him out my house but he won't budge. He tells me I have to go to court to evict him. But I only rent the apartment myself, so is this even right??

My mom and dad are getting divorced please help?

im 13 have a little sister shes turning 7 this year and my oldest brother is 19 hes in college and my other brother is 16 turning 17 in like 3 or 4 days and my dad told my mom that he was going to leave us and stuff so im pretty worried is there apartments that only charge like 300 or so with like 2 rooms and small stuff or something because im worried about that and how much money will he have to pay for child support like 100 for each or what and the rest im not really worried just financial pretty much because my dad always yelled at us at one point he called me a dog and stuff i life in ohio and i was wondering if we get to pick who we get to live with and i looked some stuff up and they said that in ohio the kids usaully get for who they want to stay with so that kinda got me cheered up but im still worried helllppp

My boyfriend is 17 and can drive, but my parents wont let me drive with him?

I live an hour away from him now and our relationship is fine but my parents won't let him come pick me up. It's ridiculous because they are coming at it from both sides of the fence, on one end they say he's too old (i'm 15) and then on the other end it's he's too young to drive responsibly. He got his permit the day he turned 16 and has been driving with his license for 8 months. How do I convince them to let him pick me up?

How much should two 13 yr olds charge for babysitting?

5 bucks an hour is what I would pay but it would also depend on how many hours. I am a mommy of 2 and I would definietly want to know what kind of teenagers would be watching my children. You both have nothing to worry about if you have great references from other parents whose children you have babysat for. I hope I helped and actually I went a buck over what suggested :)

Meet a girl on holiday?

How can I meet a girl on holiday? I'm going with my parents and the place i'm going to stay doesn't have anything like a youth club. Being shy, overweight (working on it) and not very confident, it would be great (but unlikely, I know) if I could get them to come over to me etc. Please help. Cheers :)

How to get my inlaws OUT?

We recently bought a house. Good right? No its H*LL my mother in law lives with us grrr. She controls my life and family. My husband completely agrees with me to try to help them move, but in the mist of everything sister and brother in law gets evicted. So i try to be nice and say just a couple nights no more than a week. Its been over a week now neither one of them will work or help with the bills, and everyone thinks im the bad guy because i want them out. there 10x worse than my mother in law. please help what do i do my husband doesn't agree to help me get his sister out because she is pregnant supposedly but no proof showing so. O yea and to top it off i found out where my stuff has been disappearing they have been pawning my electronics GRRRR!!!

If a neighbor is bitten by a dog while entering your house without permission,?

can the landlord tell you to get rid of the dog or he will evict you? There is nothing stated about any pet rules. The neighbor is trying to sue but the hearing is not for a few more weeks to even determine if the dog is to be considered dangerous. The upstairs neighbor has a dog from the same litter as this one and he isnt being forced to give it up. The neighbor opened the door and walked in to the apartment knowing there is a big dog inside...and then complained when the dog bit her.

Whats this song???? please help?

ok there's this song from this dvd called "too extreme for tv" by the magazine "loaded". it had jackass and dirty sanchez on it And the song i want is where bam margera is skateboarding and jumping from a balcony in to a crowd. i think some of the lyrics are "ill take my time and take it over" i dont know about the second bit sorry but if anyone could help CHEERS!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What song or candy cheers you up?haha?

if your lonely ,sad, angry, down...what song cheers you up?and does candy?for me its "Wouldnt it be nice?" by the beach boys and "love shack." and i eat pixie styx. :) how bout u?

How to talk to protective parents?

she sounds pretty normal to me, and by normal, she wants you to stay out of trouble and cares for you. just wait till you're 18, then she cant do sh*t

Please help me I think I'm pregnant ?

Ok so me ad my bf first had sex 16 days ago and for the last week I have been feeling sick to my stomach. I haven't thrown up but I have been holding it back and it just keeps getting worse and worse. I also and to pee all the time literally ever 10 min. I am on birth control but I don't take it vary responsibly. Please someone help me I don't know I I should get a pregnancy test quit yet but I just need some advice.

Did u guys hear the "Let's Go Yankees!" chants?

at Citi Field once the Bases were loaded? It was crazy I tell you lol! But once Granderson gronuded out there were more cheers for the Mets than Yankees. BUT before the play, alot of Yankee fans were in attendance and saying Lets Go Yankees! There seems to be more Yanks fans in the crowd than Mets! lol

I made a fool of myself and threw up from drinking. My friends are mad at me?

They shouldnt be obligated to taking care of you but if they are your friends, and it is your birthday they should have your back

How can I cheer up and improve the quality of my life?

I have also delt with depression, and it is a very real and hard thing. Honestly seeing a therapist will really help. they get paid to listen to you complain and that really helps! I know it is hard to get stuff done but maybe write down a bucket list of things you want to do in life!(like college, marriage, and family) And when you do get int he mood to do something take a run, and start eating healthy because thay always helps me feel better about myself, putting me in a better mood all around! Hope this Helps!!! Stay Strong!

Is weed actually bad if used responsibly?

Ok so im wondering. Last year i went hard on the pot. and i became more stupid just cuz i had so much access to it i was too busy thinking of when im gonna get high next caused me to fail. i then quit for 3 months got my grades to a 50-60 (a pass) and well went on the pot again. I did it responsibly. i had 2-3 moments where i greened out but besides that. I control my high. and im not a total stoner everyday. my marks shrunk like 2% down but i think its just cuz. Ive passed my final exams and passed gr.8 but im wondering. is it actually that bad? of course its bad for your lungs i mean its smoke but anything else??

I need some advise what happened? (HELP ME) lots of detail here?

honestly after reading all that i think she is just wasting your time. she knows that you will always be there for her and she will use you when she wants or needs something. move on. meet someone new. stop texting her. if she wants to talk to you she'll talk to you. hope everything works out for you!

Please I Need Help With My Girlfriend?

i'm not sure but if I were you I mean I would break it off because if she's just going to keep hurting you then that's bullshit. in a relationship they shouldn't be fighting over no reason. It seems to me she would choose drinking over being with you! now I dunno if she has any respect for you but 1st what I would do is talk to her on the whole drinking subject. then if she says anything nasty or mean to hurt you I would break it off. then if she called back again trying to forgive you say something like "I don't want to be with you because you always end up hurting me." then if she kept trying to forgive say "i'm sorry but after what you did to me I can't be with you" and also say "you screwed it up and now I don't want to be with you, it's your fault." maybe if you said that it cold do good but if she is nice on the drinking subject just get back 2gether with her! hope I helped mate!!!

Am i selfish for not wanting my mom to date?

My Mom is 47 and is going through that "i gotta live my life" phase. Shes been a single mom since I was born which is almost 18 years ago. My dad is useless and he made my mom feel like crap. He treats me bad to. Because of him and stories that my mom has told me about past boyfriends I do not trust men at all. Lately she has been going out and not coming home. She sleeps at these strange men's houses or she brings then here to our home!!! I want my mother to be happy but I really don't want her to be a whore. She's an educated woman she does not need to degrade herself like that. Next thing I know she's on maury taking paternity tests (mind you, I think shes going through "the big change" so her having any more kids is unlikely) but that's not the point. I don't mind her dating I would love for her to find someone but I would like her to do it responsibly ... am I wrong or should I just stay outta her business and let some creep take advantage of her....?

My new landlord said we need to pay for out mail keys?

Something is wrong with that picture. Your landlord needs to pay the $35 and she should have deducted that amount from the last tenants deposit. I am sure the law states that she is required to give you a key to all locks on the property. You could go ahead and pay for it yourself and then deduct it from your rent, just make sure to get a receipt to include with your money.

Can you be evicted when...?

Your land lord quote says 'Putting up with section 8 has become too stressful.' Now there is a circumstance and it is that our house did not pass a standard inspection and it was due to a non grounded outlet in our home. Now we must have our landlord fix that and we want to know that if we can legally be evicted due to this circumstance of our landlord not wanting to put up with section 8, or fix the outlet.

"After falsely accusing... of conspiracy and perjury, ...Kaffee will have a long and prosperous career" where?

From "A Few Good Men" --- GREAT movie, btw. I'm looking for the name of the "place" Kaffee (Tom Cruise) will be teaching WHAT at WHAT? Answer carefully, responsibly and thanks!!!

Can I stop ex from having visitation , for fear for there safety?

I have full custody of my two kids and my ex has suppervied visits every other week no over nites. She currently is living with boyfriend , got evicted and now lives with her mom with boyfriend. She has no job and son saw text on her phone about getting weed. Then this past weekend she filped out attacked her bother and mother broke all the picture in the house. She spent 4 days in mental health facility now claim she was druged while out drinking thats why she flipped out . I fear for my kids safety and am not letting them do visits . Legally what will happen

Can I get a loan while on social assistance, if so, where?!?

I really need to come up with $345 to pay off the rest of my rent which is due tomorrow and I never have a late payment. I'm in a really crappy situation right now. I'm on Ontario Works and normally get about $945 a month from them which is enough to cover my rent and have $200 to spend on anything else like groceries and diapers, etc. Anyway, I went back to work last month for only a month because I had to leave due to lack of funds for quality child care. Because of going back to work, Ontario works only gave me $400 and everything that I made from work had to go to groceries and child care so I had nothing left. I'm only 18 with little to no credit so I know it's hard to get a loan with all these circumstances but there has to be a way. If you know of any options please let me know, I don't need to be evicted before I can pay off the rent because that would be horrible. I normally pay my rent right on time and anything else right on time so after this slip up I could easily pay back the loan. Any advice would be great, thanks!

Should the drinking age be lowered to 18?

seriously, think about it. all of us teens drink either way, it's not like we don't have older friends/family that could get the Alcohol for us, or it's not like we can't get fake ID's. Honestly, who are they trying to fool? I am currently talking to a police officer & he says he sometimes doesn't even bother to stop an underage drinking party because there is just too many in the neighborhood, he just tells them to keep it quite as do other police officers. won't it teach us to handle alcohol more responsibly .

What is a good alternative to NI Massive?

I use fl studio. i would prefer a free vst. i'm looking to make sort of 'yah' and 'jah' sounds, kinda like chrispy or the all power full skrillex. cheers.

Tied of being single... want to "get" a girl.?

Hey. I'm an overweight 16 year old, and would like to know how to get a girlfriend. Well firstly, how do I know if I should ask someone out, like, do I like them really or are they just pretty? Also, being overweight (Which I'm working on) I doubt any girl will like me. I play guitar, I'm told i'm funny, nice and have a good looking face and nice eyes if that will help me. So how do I meet a girl, how do I know if I like her? If she likes me? Will she ever ask or tell me or do I have to make the first move? Please help :) I know I sound lame, sad and pathetic, but for some reason, I'm one of those guys that always thinks about relationships and such. I'm not interested in getting as many girls as possible or anything, I want to meet that special girl you know? Please help :) Cheers.

Should I try and form this band?

go for it!!! i was in a band that wasn't planning on doing anything big and just wanted o mess about and it was a real laugh and was really fun :)

How many songs (list them please) can you think of that have the word, "mother" in them?

One comes to mind right away --- "Mother" - Pink Floyd. Answer carefully, responsibly and thanks!!!

Squatters in my place,what can I do?

Briefly, son and grandson allowed to stay in my Mobile Home when I could no longer live there. His ex asked him to stay 2 weeks so she could find a place for herself. She got comfortable real fast and moved in her 3 adult kids. I have evicted all 6 but am being told this squatter and her adult children have rights as my tenants. How is that legal when I never gave permission, never a rental agreement and have been trying to get them out for months. My son and grandson and one other person has moved out and one other person is in jail. Now I am told that I filled out the eviction papers wrong and have to start over. How is it that squatters have more rights than I do? Michigan,Wexford County. Cops tell me I have to stay away.

In the process of getting evicted can i get a new apartment before it is finished?

I in the process of getting evicted I want to move into a new apartment can i get a new apartment without bringing up the eviction how can i get around it

IS there my fault in here? or is it the girl? what did i do wrong in here?

Move on man, there's girls like this all over the world, there called users! She will only contact you when you have something she wants. Defiantly work on finding some one else.

14 x 10 base for concrete?

Hi ya, i have a 14 x 10 base that needs filling with concrete as i am doing it myself so i need a rough idea how much aggregate i need an cement and what mixture do i put this in as also i have some broken paving slabs in the bottom.looking for about six inches deep as its only for my green house to go need as much info as possible please. cheers

Saturday, August 6, 2011

What age do most girls start wearing make up?

i really wanna wear make up and i will be 13 next year, my mom says i dont need it, but i think differently. Some tips on how to convince her that i wont use a lot and im responsibly enough to know how much is enough would be great!! Im also an only girl and im right inbetween 2 boys. I told her i dont feel feminine and she just laughed. She was one out of 5 sisters so she wouldnt get it. She started wearing make up at 13. I dont think its fair cause shes the second oldest and my grams rules were you can wear make only if your responible. And my aunt( the oldest sister) started at 14, and my gram let my mom cause they did everything together, and i dont have that advantage. Please help and give tips!!!!!!!! Thanks!:D

I got married & want to add my spouse to the lease, but he has criminal record.?

In my apartment complex, it says they don't except tenants with felonies, misdemeaners, etc. I moved in alone, but now I am married and need to add him to my lease. Will they evict me after they run his record even if I have been here for 2 years?

Something that is really bothering me? Please help!?

OKAY! , Every since well two years ago i have trying out for sports and things. With friends we would try out for volleyball , track , softball, ex. you name it we tried it. And i have not made a team once. :/ im not done either. I wanted to do cheer leading. This is really something i wanted to do and unlike the rest i tried for i really liked this the best. But i got to tryouts on the wrong day;/. So i could not do that. And i am going to high school next year. I want to do something. you know meet a lot of new people and have an activity. i tried many things i thought i could be good at . And maybe the coaches did not think so. But i need some advice? Maybe im not made for sports but i feel like i can't give up on it just yet. Any ideas? and as for clubs , i think ill try some. oh by the way i am going to a new high school and i am new i know very to little people. ANY IDEAS ON HOW TO QUICKLY MEET NEW PEOPLE? i feel like nothing is out there for me? And it seems to be for everyone else...... thanks oh try to be nice i know i sound dumb.

Will me and this girl get together?

I know this is sad but I really like this girl right and she seems to like me to.. but she has a boyfriend.. She told me last night this "I'm not going to leave my boyfriend just because I think something will get better." She wants me to either stop drinking or drink responsibly and i'm going to... What do you think will we get together or not?

What is the cost to legally evict tenant who is not paying rentals in Malaysia?

I have a problem with a tenant not paying rents for 3 months. He is giving a lot of excuses. I tried to talk him into moving out of the house but he refused. What can I do?

I am 5'1 and 104 pounds. Is this healthy?

if you lose 10 lbs, you will be underweight. I think you should just tone your body by running, but don't diet. Also, I think you can lose 4-6 lbs, but not 10! 10 lbs is too much. You are not fat AT ALL!

I'm 18, are my biceps too small?

There is no right size of biceps for any age, there are 15 yr olds who are bigger than 26 yr olds, and 60 yr olds bigger than both of them. If you've never weight-lifted before, I would recommend either 15, 17.5, or 20 lb dumbbells.

Under Capitalism, as practiced by GOP, how many of you are better off than 10 years ago?

Well ten years ago I was a high school senior and a dependent of my parents and living at home. Today I have a job although I decided to use some of my vacation days this week, I'm in graduate school (paying my way through) and I rent my own apartment, I'm building my credit and I'm up to date on my loans. I know many recent graduates can't find jobs but thankfully I have employment. I think I'm better off than I was 10 years ago clearly.

Is Percocet 10/325 and Oxycodone 5hcl the same?

I have been on Percocet 10/325 for a year. My husband had a few of his 'boys' over and guess what came up missing out of my bathroom cabinet? Yep. Now I am in extreme pain. I was able to bear it for two days, but this, the third, I can't get off the couch and my knee keeps giving out on me and I'm getting searing pains up and down my leg and my nerves in that leg are going crazy. I get my meds in pain management and they have a strict policy of no refills early, even if they are stolen (WITH a police report). A friend just came over and he is prescribed Oxycodone HCL 5 mg, and he said that they were basically the same thing that I am taking. I only need a couple as I can get my refill in a few days. so, is this the same as it, or is what he wants me to have considered Oxycontin? I'm very nervous about taking meds that aren't prescribed to me, but the ER or anything else is out of the question. I just wanted to know if this truly is the same thing that I am prescribed? And is it time release or instant release, because I don't know how I should responsibly take it if I even choose to do so. Any help would be wonderful.

What was Mickey's (Rocky's traniner) last name and date of birth and date of death?

I'm just watching "Rocky III" now and Mickey just died so I thought of this question... Answer carefully, responsibly and thanks!!!

What does it mean to want to have sex?

I will sometimes have sex dreams and i am 13-14yrs and why and is it normal and i like really want to have sex w/ condom anyway but feel it up there. i need someone to answer this responsibly

Evictions from residents need help?

i rented a house from an old freinds mom and we had a falling out but and had no problems on house from that so i am $180 short on last month rent and havent paid this month she came and said to me i have 10 days to move out bcuz my dogs were shiting and pissing in the house but the back fence has many hole and is falling so i told her and she never fixed the problem and when i leave i have to leave dogs inside and they piss and **** so she is trying to evict me for it but does that not go under the responsiblity of owner to fix fence and basically her fault and also there is a sink that rotted b4 i moved in and has black mold it has yet to be fixed from nov 2010 and the heating on house was not working either and it snows here so am i in the wrong for not leaving and she has not given any paperwork for eviction or late rent payments any ideas i really dont know what to do i know i have atleast 30days

Can i get evicted being part ownwer?

i live in this home my sister was left as power of attorney and wants to evict me. my mothers will was to sell the house and divided between us i have no problem with that. what i want to know is can she have me evicted before the house is sold

Can I evict my roommate early?

So we have a roommate who wasnt on our lease, we gave him a 30 day notice informing him we are moving and hes not coming, that was about 40-45 days out.. much more than 30days.. now we are moving in to our new place sooner than expected, and the apartment lease is up on the 30th of the month, since hes not on the lease can we kick him out early? Hes moving in with a friend somewhere else but hasnt made any effort to get out of here.. Can we give him a one week get our or your to the curb notice?

How to drink responsibly?

I find that when I go out I always seem to drink way too much. Its not that I am an alcoholic at all; i only drink during the weekends and do not 'crave' alcohol when I am not drinking. My problem is that when I do drink, I keep drinking more and more and this leads to a blackout (and an empty wallet) much more than I would like. What can I do to stop drinking so much each time that I do drink?

If White Americans are not racist, why do they cheer for White European athletes over African-American ones?

I like the ones who make funny noises. We are all waiting for a finals match where two ah-hee women face each other. The u-tube video will be the biggest hit ever.

I feel bad about going to parties?

i think parties play an important role in society and brings people closer together. We could never survive if people never left their house or got drunk and had fun once in a while. First of all, no people would be born and B. everyone would just want to kill themselves and there goes the extinction of the human race. The teachers thought you were hot and sexy. Especially the female teachers. The men were all jealous.

Should a guy be liable as a parent if a girl forgets to take her pill?

I assume you attended a sex ed class where they rated methods of birth control from Abstinence = 100% to Condom = 99% down to rhythm at 80%. So when you had relations, if you did not use a condom, you accepted that risk.

What's the legal age that you can drink in the UK?

You can drink in your house at this age, when your 16 you can drink in a pub but not order the drink and when your 18 you can buy alcohol

WNBA Bing vs Inova Health System?

I can understand the WNBA needing Advertising to support their waining league. But removing the Team Name & the Name of the City that, that Team is in & putting a Company Name on their Jerseys. Can't they just keep the Team & City Names on the Front & add the Company Name somewhere on the back above the Names & Number? I mean should they really have it to where people that are viewing it are like, who are we going to cheer for 2night Bing or Inova Health System?

Bunny seems depressed ?:(?

I take good care of her and everything; i took her out to play twice but she bit me so i put her back in her cage. Usually she'll be bouncing around her cage but she just seems upset .. how do i cheer her up? :(

What would you do in this situation?

Sorry I know this is really not about TTC, but I didn't get alot of answers in the other sections. Well I'm having my second child, I just found out I'm pregnant yesterday. Me and my babys father are no longer together, but we were together when I got pregnant with my first child. He is with another girl that he has older kids with and he has being seeing me behind her back. Well now I got pregnant, and he wants me to abort the baby to avoid her leaving him and kicking him out of her house. He has 5 kids by 4 different women including me and this baby would be # 6 for him. He can't get a house in his name cause he has bad credit from getting evicted from an apartment he lived in, so the girl he lives with is basically his crutch. He says that if I have this baby, he will have to leave the state and go stay where his family is cause after she kicks him out he wouldn't have anywhere to go. What's so said is that he's in his 30's and dealing with stuff like this. I want to keep the baby but don't want him to leave the state and for me to be left alone with 2 kids and no dad around to help although he said he would help even though he'd have to move. So what should I do? Abort, or keep the baby? And please don't suggest adoption cause once I see the baby I wouldn't be able to give him/her away.

When a campground says it's a "Family Campground," do they really mean "families only," or just "no partying?"?

Some friends and I are planning a camping trip, but the site says the campground caters to families and organized groups. However, I've seen groups who OBVIOUSLY don't fit into those two categories staying there, and my friends and I are all over 18, very responsible, and have no intentions of doing anything illegal or in any way disruptive. Can they refuse me if I try to make a reservation? Would it help if I specifically mentioned that we understand their "We reserve the right to evict you..." policy? It's a family-run business; do you think it would help to mention that my family has stayed there for many summers before? Am I overthinking this? Do you think they'll even care, as long as they get the money?

If your roomate evicts you can he hold your personal property?

Absolutely not. That is looked upon as "self help" especially if their reasoning is because you owe them money. They cannot take property to cover the debt. They would need to follow the law and take you to small claims and sue you if you owe them rent or other $$$. You can call the cops and have them escort you onto the property to get your things.

How could i convince my mum to let me get a motorbike?

I agree with her. There are IDIOTS on the road and dont see you or care to even pay attn to you. When your driving a bike, trust me its a whole nother world then driving inside a car...

Jehovah's Witnesses, which should come first: serving in a ministry or Church membership?

No, you do not have to be a baptised member to go in the ministry. To get baptised you need to study the bible first. When you are baptised you then are an ordained minister of Jehovah's Witnesses. We never have infant baptisms either.

Stretches to make me for flexible(split, bow and arrow, heel stretch, scorpion,scale etc:)?

I also would like to know how to get better/higher jumps, how to gain muscle, and what cheer coaches look for in a flyer. thanks!

Do i call him or do i wait for him to call me (10 points)?

ok so i am 22 years old and i had broken up with my BF 2 weeks ago so my friends wanted to cheer me up so they decided to take me to a night club last night so that i could just let loose. i got their and i was having a good time a lot of guys started hitting on me and using cheesy pick-up lines but i politely said "no thanks" to all of them when i was thinking in my head "get away from me loser." i hate guys who think just because their hot doesnt mean a pick-up line can get a girl. so i sat down at the bar area until this guy came. he noticed i was a little bummed out, so he asked "is everything ok" i replied "im ok i broke up with my BF a few weeks ago" after that he said and i thought he was so sweet by saying this "oh im really sorry to hear that, man how is a guy that stupid to brake up with such a beautiful girl like you" after that we just started talking and having a good conversation. OMG he was so funny, and sweet, he is on the chubby side, but he was just so cute, he had a gorgeous smile. btw he is also 22. after hours of talking we gave eachother our numbers and we hugged each other. i dont wanna sound desperate, yet i wanna plan a date with him. should i wait for him to call me or should i just call him

How can I persuade my dad to let me have a facebook?

I'm 13 make good grades and everything, my mom is totally ok w/ me having a Facebook. But my dad is over protective and stuff I had one last year but my dad didn't know but he deleted it, but it's been a year and some months. I asked him last week instead of saying no he said I'll think about it. Then he start asking me questions lke will i have your password and will u add ppl u don't know, and I answered them all responsibly, what should I do.

Poll: How often do you use Wikipedia?

Almost never, my teachers at school tell me not to trust it. But now and then I go on, and write random bits of info, just to see if it shows up...and it always does! I bet lots of others do that also, that's why I never use it.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Can I ever drink again?

I've only been "drinking" for about a year and a half. I've been able to handle it for a long time, but lately I've been taking it too far and the last two times I blacked out and it scared me pretty good. When I drink I always want more even when I'm already pretty drunk. I've only drank once in the last 4 weeks, and I only had 1 beer, so i know i'm not "addicted" to alcohol, I CAN live without it, I'm not like dying for a drink, and when I had the one beer i wasn't craving it or unable to stop. But I am only a sophomore in college and drinking is such a huge part of having a social life in college and I do enjoy it. So while I want to quit drinking in a way I also want to be able to continue to drink, but I'd like to be able to do it with more control or whatever. Is that possible or am I an alcoholic and do i need to stop? It's not interfereing with my life at all except the two times i blacked out and those really scared me, if i drink again am i going to go crazy and do it all again, or is it possible to control myself and learn to drink responsibly? I know it's up to me ultimately, but i'm just asking for opinions or suggestions... thanks...

Can my landlord evict me if i have a garden?

Only if he's a b@stard! If it were me, regardless of what the lease said, I'd take it to mean that you are treating his property as your home (albeit temporary) and therefore you are taking good care of it. You can grow almost anything without permanently altering the landscape.

Red-lining: How bad is it really?

It is for sure not recommended to go over the red line, but it happens all the time, just do your best not to, it is not in most cases a magic number, its a warning that you are stressing it to the max and if you keep it up you will brake something sooner or later.

Do you like the smell of your own farts?

Sometimes, oddly enough, I do. I can just sit there, pass gas and let the "stink" surround me AND like it. Call me weird, but I know you do too. Answer carefully, responsibly and thanks!!!

How long before being evicted after stop paying mortgage in florida?

im thinking about stop paying my mortgage due to be so underwater and even worst being in an interest only until 2017 when principal kick start, we have our house since 06,we love our house but I heard you can be mortgage free for over 2 years while foreclose and evictions process ends,we just wants to clear all debts,our mortgage is with IBM lbps(LENDER BUSINESS PROCESS) and we are in floridai also heard the lenght before being kicked out also depends on lender,have anyone foreclose on lbps?Or is actually true that you can be over 2 years without paying b4 being evicted here in florida?

Getting in shape for cheer?

So, its summmer! I reallly want to get back into shape for cheeer! It starts prettty sooon soo I have like a litttle over a month to accomplish this! I'm going into highschool, so this means a new team, new expectations, and new requirements. I already know what the requirements are to be on my highschools team, and I know how to do them. I'm taking tumbling classses with my friend starting in a couple weeks even though I already know how to do a roundoff backhandspring and more. (Taken 4+ years of gymnastics) But I want to get my backtuck soon! Well, anyways! I just want to know what I can do NOW to get in shape, and lose just a couple of pounds. I weigh about 115. What kind of exercises can I do to build some muscle? Also can someone give me a specific diet plan to folllow for a majority of the summer? I feel like I'm eating too much junk now. :b Thanks for alll your help! :D

What is a song title or album containing a number(s) in it? Can even be Roman numerals, huh?

For instance, an album --- Foreigner 4 or Led Zeppelin 4 (Zoso.) Songs --- "25 or 6 to 4" by Chicago or "99 Red (Luft) Balloons" by Nena. Can be any genre. Answer responsibly, carefully and thanks!!!

I am an AA heretic looking for deprogramming, where should I go/what should I do?

I told many of my AA "friends" as well as my sponsor that I have decided to leave the "program" as I find it ineffective and cult-like. For the past two months I have lived exactly the opposite lifestyle that AA teaches (minus the drinking, but alcohol was never my problem, I was a drug addict, there was just no NA in my area). As such, I have been labeled as something of a heretic. Everyone in the recovery community views me as incredibly stupid and dangerous. I dont care. Theyre all bat **** crazy the way I see it. Anyway, I want to get all of this AA nonsense out of my head, and though I dont want to drugs, I would like to "socially" drink, and I have confidence that I can learn to do this. Were should I go or what should I do to deprogram myself from all this ridiculousness and learn to drink responsibly? To people who believe in AA, please refrain from offering one of your mindless slogans or any "God given wisdom" you think you may have. You zealots are 10 times crazier and more "dangerous" than I am.